Apple Days at Alden House
This afternoon I had the great opportunity to present several historical apple dishes at the Alden House in Duxbury, MA. I’ve done several presentations there, and I always enjoy meeting people...
What I’ve Learned So Far
Hi Everyone! I hope to find you all well and safe! It's hard to believe that only a week ago the biggest care I had was that my son would make it through his dentist appointment and that I didn't forget to send out a card to family members. Now this past week I've...
Pumpkin Drying Experiment!
So the format for this post is a bit different. Usually I have a certain theme or receipt that I post here and then go through step by step how I created the final outcome, whether successful or not. But this one was done on a complete whim, and with the outcome...
Laura Ingalls Wilder Gingerbread
Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful December and that January has treated you well! With the start of the New Year I decided to start with the new Historical Food Fortnightly challenge for this year... the Holidays! You'd think after all the...
HFF #22: Souffle
Happy December everyone! In my neck of the woods we are just finishing our first snow storm of the year. And though shoveling can be a pain, I have to say I love the quiet contemplation when I'm looking out the window watching the snowflakes fall. It's quite...
HFF #20: Cranberry Sauce
Hello everyone! Hope you are doing well at the beginning of this holiday season! I know it is a bit cliche but I couldn't let Thanksgiving pass without doing at least one beloved side or main course from this holiday smorgasbord! And, as it happens, I'm also catching...